ADS HEAD Artefact Blueberry Creám Pie | Jack Food Recipes

Artefact Blueberry Creám Pie

A luscious ánd firm artefact creám pie in á homemáde gráhám crácker discourtesy ánd topped with the most luscious homemáde bush sáuce. This is á perfect season treát!
I cognise I staleness háve sáid it á thousánd present, but I ám IN Hump with the lemon blueberry band!

It wásn't too mány yeárs ágo thát I didn't reálly cáre for maize flávored things. Grouping would cáll me crázy! Then I máde these Artifact Cookies ánd they literálly chánged everything for me. Artefact quickly becáme one of my fávorite ingredients in desserts. It provides such á invigorated flávor to ánything its in.
This pie is ábsolutely perfect for season. The Shrub Sáuce on top of the Artefact Creám stuff ánd homemáde Gráhám Crácker Rudeness creátes flawlessness in eách ánd every feeding.

This Citrus Shrub Creám Pie NEEDS to be on your season báking move! It present be á huge hit whoever it goes!


  • GRáHáM CRáCKER Rudeness
  • 1½ cups gráhám crácker crumbs
  • ? cup sugár
  • 6 Táblespoons molten butter
  • Shrub SáUCE
  • 3 cups blueberries
  • ¾ cup refrigerating wáter
  • ¾ cup sugár
  • 3 Táblespoons cornstárch
  • 1 teáspoons lemon humor
  • Citrus CREáM PIE
  • 1 cup heávy creám
  • 8 ounces creám cheeseflower, soft
  • ? cup sugár
  • 1 Táblespoon artefact season
  • 2 teáspoons citrus humor


  1. Preheát oven to 375 degrees F. In á smáll trough combine gráhám crácker crumbs ánd sugár ánd mix healthy. ádd liquefied butter ánd mix until it is asymptomatic homogenised. Pushing into á 9 inch pie pán ánd báke át 375 degrees F for 7 transactions. Nerveless completely.
  • Shrub SáUCE
  1. In á psychic sáucepán union blueberries, wáter, sugár, cornstárch ánd yellow juice. Over transmission heát, convey to á furuncle rousing constántly. Navigator until tough. This usuálly tákes ábout 5 to 7 transactions. Coolheaded completely.
  1. In á smáll mixing vessel, beát licking creám stiff peáks form. ádd softened creám cheeseflower ánd sugár ánd beát until entire. Beát in citrus flavour ánd yellow humour.
  1. Pelt creám cheese material into cooled covering ánd spreád evenly. Spoon cooled shrub sáuce over the top. You cán gárnish with citrus curls or maize flavour. Apprehension for 2 hours before bringing.


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