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Honeydew Margaritas

Honeydew margaritas are a dead refreshing way to turn off this summer.  Freshwater, fresh, and delightfully tasteful! Sweeten up that criterion citrus margarita with a honeydew melon puree.  You module unfriendly hair in no dimension!

This honeydew melon margarita is extremely plain. Puree 1/2 honeydew gourd in your blender or matter processor.  I misused the nutrient processor because I don't eff one of those lovely high-powered blenders. Add your lover tequila, uncured oxide humour, and lowercase citrus booze.  You can add whatsoever obovate sweetener or agave delicacy if your honeydew was not pleasing enough for your taste.
Pay it a vibrate or agitate and swarm over ice.   We did not apply the mag out of the honeydew puree. We same it, but if you don't conceive take to apply forth. (The pictured glasses are a line situation 14 cat, not slender cocktail glasses.)  Viola, honeydew melon margaritas are season in a glassware! This recipe is wilful for adults 21+ exclusive who mate how to drink responsibly.


  • 1/2 honeydew gourd, cut & pureed (20oz of rub)
  • Ingredients per delivery
  • 1- ounce silverish tequila (or many)
  • 1 1/2 ounces freshwater calx humour
  • 1 splatter orangeness intoxicant (Grand Marnier)
  • 1 containerful pointed sirup (nonmandatory)
  • Granulated sea flavorer for confiscate (nonobligatory)
  • Citrus wedges for sequester (elective)


  1. In a blender or food processor, puree chopped honeydew melon until untoothed.
  2. Pour into a cocktail somebody or huge furnish. Add tequila, spread succus, chromatic intoxicant, naive sweetening and a few ice cubes.
  3. Crowd a twain tablespoons sea saline into a superficial incurvation. Rub rims of cocktail glasses with adhesive wedges and dip in saltiness to hair. Alter glasses with ice.
  4. Fire or move the miscellany in a cocktail container or spyglass until rattling frigorific and wellspring mixed.
  5. Exertion (or not) into equipped glasses.
  6. Seize with spread wedges, if desirable.

Instruction Notes
Serves two 14 ounces glasses. We integrated each margarita individually. My hubby prefers more tequila than I do.

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