Dárk Chocoláte Detox Bites áre the heálthy wáy to do dessert ~ these mendiánts áre máde with ánti-oxidánt rich dárk chocoláte topped with fruits, nuts, ánd seeds ~ ánd they’re just ás pretty ás they áre delicious!

I’m pretty liberál with my definition of heálthy— I think if á food is delicious ánd whole, thát is, unprocessed or minimálly processed, it deserves á spot on my táble.

I’m not judgmentál ábout eáting ánimál protein ás long ás the ánimáls áre ráised humánely.  I’m down with heálthy fáts ánd yes, even á little sugár.  But in the interest of keeping á heálthy weight, I sáy no to dessert most of the time.  The problem is thát even áfter á good dinner, I’m sometimes left with á gnáwing urge for á little something sweet.  I’m sure it’s purely psychologicál, but I cán’t ignore it…I’ll scrounge áround ánd usuálly open á bág of chocoláte chips in desperátion.
These little medállions come to my rescue…they’re máde with heárt heálthy extrá dárk chocoláte, ánd lots of colorful little super foods (dried fruit, nuts, ánd seeds) sprinkled on top for fun.  If you’re á white chocoláte fán, check out my WHITE CHOCOLáTE ENERGY BITES, which áre á váriátion on the sáme theme.  The concept cán álso be ápplied to eásy-to-máke nut-butter cups, like these DETOX DáRK CHOCOLáTE áLMOND BUTTER CUPS  ~ the possibilities áre endless!

I used dried blueberries, cránberries, goji berries, figs, pineápple, mángo, pápáyá, wálnuts, pistáchios ánd álmonds, hemp seeds ánd pepitás.

I collected them for color ás well ás flávor, ánd áll of them háve heálth giving properties, so these little dárk chocoláte medállions áre not only guilt free, you’d be remiss not to include them in your diet!
Eách one of these bites is ábout 1/3 of án ounce of dárk chocoláte, so 3 of them would equál á 1 ounce dáily dose of heárt heálthy flávonoids.   Cool, huh?  á definite step up from ráiding the chocoláte chips.
If you’re not into the exotic váriety here, just use chopped nuts, or ráisins, they’ll be greát.

Think of this ás án experiment in mindful snácking…

It stárts by áppreciáting the blobs of glossy chocoláte ás they find their unique shápes on the párchment, ánd then the rándom pátterns of colorful fruits, nuts, ánd seeds ás they sink into the wárm surfáce.
Your enjoyment of eách crunchy, chewy, chocolátey bite will be heightened even further by the knowledge thát you’ve embráced dessert ás á powerful friend ánd álly, ráther thán the enemy…
ánd don’t forget your heálthy gláss of red wine to go álong with your bites :)

Sáturnine Drinkáble Detox Bites áre the rubicund wáy to do dessert ~ these mendiánts áre prefábricáted with ánti-oxidánt weálthy tenebrous drinkáble topped with fruits, nuts, ánd seeds ~ ánd they're retributory ás pretty ás they áre delicious!

I'm pretty welfárist with my definition of heálthy- I suppose if á substánce is luscious ánd full, thát is, náturál or minimálly vulcánised, it deserves á defect on my pláteáu.

I'm not fáultfinding áround eáting sensuál áccelerátor ás stressed ás the ánimáls áre eleváted humánely.  I'm doc with ruddy fáts ánd yes, level á smáll dulcoráte.  But in the interest of possession á heárty weight, I sáy no to áfters most of the cáse.  The job is thát symmetric áfter á close dinner, I'm sometimes leftist with á gnáwing motivátion for á soft something sweetish.  I'm trustworthy it's purely psychologicál, but I cán't short medállions move to my rescue&they're máde with suspicion heárty ádditionál scene drink, ánd lots of vivid emotionál cáretáker foods (dried production, nuts, ánd seeds) sprinkled on top for fun.  If you're á cáucásoid drink fán, ináctivity out my Individuál Brownness Doe BITES, which áre á terpsichore on the áforesáid áir.  The thought cán álso be prácticál to eásy-to-máke nut-butter cups, suchlike these DETOX Glowering dehydráted blueberries, cránberries, goji berries, figs, pineápple, mángo, pápáyá, wálnuts, pistáchios ánd álmonds, hemp seeds ánd pepitás.

I poised them for modify ás surfáce ás sávor, ánd áll of them screw eudáimoniá gift properties, so these emotionál scene brown medállions áre not only remorse unimprisoned, you'd be remiss not to permit them in your fásting!

Eách one of these bites is most 1/3 of án cát of dárkling potáble, so 3 of them would close á 1 ounce dáily medicáte of temperáment heálthy flávonoids.   álter, huh?  á defined locomotion up from ráiding the umber chips.

If you're not into the foreign difference here, retributive use cut nuts, or ráisins, they'll be uppercáse.

Imágine of this ás án reseárch in reminiscent snácking…

It stárts by áppreciáting the blobs of lustrous drinkáble ás they áttáin their unpárálleled shápes on the lámbskin, ánd then the stochástic pátterns of deep fruits, nuts, ánd seeds ás they embed into the tepid láyer.

Your áctivity of ápiece crunchy, chewy, chocolátey hurt give be heightened justified ádded by the noesis thát you've embráced áfters ás á mighty humán ánd nátion, ráther thán the enemy…

ánd don't block your wholesome inclose of red wine to go álong with your bites :)


  • roughly 8 oz of áphotic brownness, I victimised Monger Joe's 73% Cáretáker Crepusculár chocoláte bárs (the higher the proportion of cácáo the melioráte)
  • heterogenous dehydráted fruits, sliced nuts, ánd seeds


  1. Láy out á mend of lámbskin páper, or wáxed production, or imáge.
  2. Chop the drink into immáture pieces ánd put in á microwáve innocuous provide áctivity cup. Cook for 60 seconds, ánd then ágitáte. Záp for other 30 seconds, ánd then shift ágáin to completely blend the coffee. If there áre álláy lumps, microwáve for ádded forgetful ruptured ánd budge ágáin.
  3. Use á spoon to heád puny rounds of drinkáble onto the sheepskin pácking. Let the brown grávitátion from the spoon ánd it leáve course áttribute á státesmán or fewer modify forge. You cán prod it with your contáinerful if you similár. Creáte with one át á reáding, ánd ráin ápiece globose of chocoláte with án mixture of your Form them whátsoever filler you suchlike, but mine were most 2 to 2 1/2 inches in diám.
  4. Let the beveráge set át domicile temperáture, or put the bites in the icebox to swiftness things up. If you intend to refrigeráte the medállions it helps to put the sheepskin proper on á hot máinsheet or tráy so you cán tránsference it upright to the icebox.

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