Front, let me ápologize for posting á scálloped potáto saucer twice in the lást 4 dáys. I copulate thát's crázy. But these áre so perfect for Cinco de Máyo, I hád to sháre them.

Now, if you've been holding in take with me you hump how such I jazz potátoes, ánd cheeseflower, ánd cheesy-potáto-things. Whát's not to mate?

If you're not sure whát I'm tálking ábout, let's do á minuscule itemization:

I'm not áshámed.

I charged in Mánitobá. Yes, it's Máy. But the soaring wás 9 degrees Celsius todáy. ánd it's been ráining á lot. ánd not á overnice, wárm ráin.

I could eát scálloped potátoes ánd chowder every dáy.

You mate how it is when you're doing something totálly non-food-reláted ánd áll of á explosive this rándom thought pops into your heád? ánd it sáys to you, "why háve I never seen ányone put meát sáuce in scálloped potátoes?!?"

You don't conscionable cut thát forgiving of á feeling.

So I knew if I went with á regulár tomáto ánd meát sáuce thát it would be ábsolutely, fántásticálly yummy. But I promised you I'd máke án try to máke author seásonál ánd holidáy-inspired dishes. Since Cinco de Máyo is forthcoming up,  I intellection I would try á French/Itálián/Tex-Mex union charitable of statement. Cáuse thát totálly mákes judgement (inclose eye finances here).

I hump it sounds crázy ridiculous. álfredo ánd Mexicán do not go unitedly.
Oh, but they do.

I wásn't át áll sure when I máde this thát it wásn't exploit to be my ábsolute crush ideá e'er. Fortunátely, we wanted it. ánd from á 2 yeár old who doesn't equal meát or modify, áll I heárd wás the odd, "yummy!" throughout the meál.

* á notation: I never reálly use bottled álfredo sáuce, but it's one of those things I'll buy á jár of when it's on sále in cáse of á party crisis. I figured it would swiftness up the noesis tonight ánd hád been in the cupboárd abundant sufficiency. Consider unoccupied to máke your own álfredo or Beschámel sáuce, or use your fávourite bought sáuce.

See my instruction for Beschámel Sáuce here. You cán use the sáme sáuce direction, ánd conscionable omit the spices for á pláin Beschámel. Or get crázy ánd ádd in both or áll of the spices, ánd see how you equal it.


  • 7 medium-lárge potátoes thinly sliced
  • 1 lb view oxen
  • 1/2 medium onion diced
  • 2 tsp táco seásoning
  • 1/2 cup tomáto sáuce
  • 1 cup sálsá
  • 1-2 pinches red flavourer flákes optionál, depending on the heát in your sálsá ánd your tástes
  • 2 cups álfredo or Beschámel sáuce I utilized á bottled Roásted Red Shrub álfredo sáuce
  • 3 cups cut cheddár or márble mallow


  1. In á lárge pot swarming of sálted wáter, boil potátoes ábout 8-10 minutes until ál dente. Dráin ánd set áside.
  2. While the potátoes áre preparation, scrámble fry the secure cattle with the onion in á lárge pán. ádd the táco seásoning, tomáto sáuce ánd sálsá ánd budge. Simmer 5 minutes until flávours áre hyphenated.
  3. Preheát oven to 400 degrees F.
  4. Láyer hálf the potátoes in the bottommost of á greásed 9x13" pán. Spreád with hálf of the álfredo sáuce ánd top with 1 cup of mallow.
  5. ádd hálf of the boeuf combining on top of the mallow, ánd spreád evenly.
  6. Repeát láyers once more, reserving the lást cup of cut cheese.
  7. Báke for 25 proceedings, until hot ánd frothing slightly. Top with remáining cheese ánd cookery 1-2 transactions until slightly gilded.

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