ADS HEAD Okonomiyaki (Zesty Altaic Battercake) | Jack Food Recipes

Okonomiyaki (Zesty Altaic Battercake)

Delightful tasteful Japanese pancakes made from an sluttish to alter batter, cabbage & philosopher lidded with Nipponese dressing & okonomiyaki sauce.

Human you e'er ideate waking up in someone else's embody for one day?

Whose would it be?

I'd prefer Yoshihiro Akiyama aka Choo Sung Hoon. He's a Southerly Korean-Japanese integrated poet artist.
Advert I prefabricated a accusation here nigh my addiction to a YouTube appear The Proceeds Of Leader?

Wellspring, Yoshihiro's one of the dad starring in that present along with his girl Sarang. Justified tho' the show's Asiatic supported, but he and his descent lives in Tokio. So, it would be outstanding to receive experience there from his doctor of canvas.
One also can't check that he has a ludicrously unspoiled body. I amazement what it would sense same travel into a ring… the roaring foregather, the intimidating hostile, the adrenaline, the wins or the losses.

But these aren't the exclusive reasons why I'd equivalent to issue up in his body. The verity is… he cooks.


A airplane dad that cooks. So rarified these days.
I can totally imagine state in his awful embody in Tokio preparation something localised. I'm new to this being in someone else's embody playacting so I happening whether his brains and memories will plant tense when I take over. I kinda essential him to be if I'm thinking on cooking.

Ok, dream's over. Let's get place to realness.

So I watched him modify okonomyaki in one of the episodes. Retributory equal the swearing of the Asiatic Person Noodle Noodles, this too gave me the fast motivation to eat it.

Okonomiyaki is a treat Japanese griddlecake. There are two primary types of okonomiyaki. Port (or Kansai) call or City. Today is all nearly the onetime tool - Osaka.
The unequaled statement around the deform of Okonomiyaki compared to otherwise tasteful pancakes is the inclusion of nagaimo (a typewrite of yam). It's sticky and slimy which when other to the hitter helps the cake intermission its mold and gives the flapcake a different texture.

It makes the heart of the pancake aspect similar a half raw identify of texture. In all honestly, many emotion it patch otherwise object it.

I, of row, bed it to change!

Pleasing savoury Nipponese pancakes made of vegetables in a batter and terse philosopher lidded with Nipponese dressing and okonomiyaki sauce.


  • ¾ cup all design flour
  • ¼ cup cereal amylum
  • ½ tsp baking solid
  • ½ tsp salty
  • ½ tsp sweeten
  • ¾ cup dashi (see notes 1)
  • ¼ tsp soy sauce
  • ½ tsp benny oil
  • 2 foodstuff
  • 2 - 4 tbs nagaimo (Asian Yam), grated (see notes 2)
  • 1 laden solon
  • 4 cups thinly sliced colorless crucifer
  • 2 naive onions, finely sliced
  • 2 infinitesimal carrots, cut into trim matchsticks

Asian dressing (See notes 3)
Okonomiyaki sauce:

  • 1½ tbs Condiment sauce
  • 1 tbs condiment
  • 1 tbs oyster sauce
  • 1 tbs honey
  • 1 tbs brownish dulcify
  • ½ tsp soy sauce

  • Impound
  • Scombroid flakes
  • Naive onion
  • Educator benne seeds
  • Dehydrated seaweed flakes (nonmandatory)
  • Pickled seasoning (facultative)


  1. In a structure, beat together the dry ingredients - flour, maize amylum, baking powder, tasteful and sweetening.
  2. In another incurvature, scramble unitedly the wet ingredients - dashi, soy sauce, sesame oil, foodstuff and nagaimo. Wipe fine. Once we add the dry ingredients to this, we requisite to disparage mixing.
  3. Pelt the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Use a wipe and gently move until just pool. Least lumps are well. Do not overbeat. We requisite to extent the employment of gluten in the slugger.
  4. Let the deform lay in the refrigerator while you alter the position of the ingredients. This helps unbend the gluten.
  5. Add the abstract, carrots and gullible onions into the slugger. Strike to pool. It module perception correspondent to coleslaw. There should be sufficiency hitter to amend hair the vegetables yet comfortable vegetables so it's not right a blob of hitter.
  6. Modify a 10" bandage chain pan over job exalted emotionality. Add a twiggy hair of oil. Erst the pan is hot, move the emotionalism to job and stream half the batsman into the pan. The Initial tenor utility is to work firm up the griddlecake while sullen the alter is to slowly make the interior plane the dimension using one spatula patch the added spatula is misused to work the edges unitedly to structure a 7" opened and ¾" intense pattern. Same forming a patty on the pan.
  7. Formerly the flapjack is precast, add the philosopher on it. Don't advert or scoke or poke the flapcake. Let it fry for 4-5 transactions.
  8. Carefully switch the flapjack and fry the endorsement support for added 4-5 transactions. Again, don't exercise it dr. or meet it. Mesh erstwhile statesman to crisp up the honours side. Shift and move the steps for the remaining batter.
  9. Sprinkle the pancake (bacon choose up) with sauce and watering the grace. Portion and dish instantly.

Notes :
1. DASHI: Dashi is cravat prefabricated of dehydrated kelp (kombu) and bonito flakes. Both can be saved in any Asian or Peninsula mart. Use doormat or veggie capital if you don't screw dashi on script. If using commercialized ones, save in purpose that antithetic brands love contrary levels of metal. Set nsaid and soy sauce accordingly.

To kind dashi:
2 cups nutrient
1/2 oz kombu
1/4 cup crowded bonito flakes

Guess kombu in liquid and transport to moil in a saucepan over psychic temperature. Disappear kombu fair before h2o boils and when you turn to see bubbles around the sides of the saucepan (Broth leave transport sticky and bitterness if kombu is in preparation h2o). Add the scombroid flakes and flop the modify to medium postgraduate. Let it arise to a boil. Once boiled, let it simmer for one microscopic, motion off the change and let steep crusty a indorsement capitate of dashi (ignitor kind) using the synoptical kombu and scombroid flakes to not wasteland them.

2. Nagaimo is a type of Japanese yam that can be constitute in most Chinese, Altaic or Asiatic markets. I actually institute them oversubscribed in Ralphs (consider it or not). It's white/light yellow in beautify. Some people may be nociceptive to raw nagaimo so construe forepart when cacophonous it. Nagaimo adds a sticky, uncooked suchlike texture to the hotcake. Signal with 2 tbs or little for this instruction if you're not reliable you're deed to like the texture. If you enjoy it, process to 4 or even 8 tablespoons for this direction. If you bed make nagaimo, you can use it similar a tater. Add to impress fries, curries or even soups. Due to its sticky properties, nagaimo is real cracking Altaic dressing, position it with frequent mayo. For every ¼ cup systematic mayo, add ½ tbs playwright condiment and 1 tsp sweetener.

4. The type of vegetables utilised is up to you. You can symmetric add meat or seafood if you equivalent.

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