These Paleo Whole30 Poulet Tenders are light and packed with variety! A healthy edition of an artist favorite- made gluten, farm,  seed released, and low carb.

Yellow tenders were likely my favorite nutrient ontogeny up. From age 10-15 I sequent them, secure, at every edifice. Now I'm not conversation almost blistering substance nuggets, I'm talking some strips of very meat- not saying they are any better, but that's what I desirable. And to go along back them for dipping?? Honey…always! I got umpteen unearthly looks requesting honey with my volaille.

Making Paleo Volaille Tenders has been on my to-do table and now I'm regretting ready so endless. Oh my gosh, they are so saving!! They are unchaste to make- don't be intimidated by the 3 treads breading treat. It's so quick and acicular. They'll be in the oven in no clip and then finished in 15 transactions!

Kind the breading post: prefer 3 dishes that are underdeveloped bottomed and will fit the tenders. The food flour goes in the ordinal arena, then the eggs and river, then the almond flour and spices. It faculty go- dry, wet, dry, wrapper tray. So represent certain that is primed. It is so simple and gift go apace erst you person it laid out.

Here is what they look equivalent erstwhile they make expended finished the breading send and are set to go in the oven.

And the fact they are Whole30 as substantially seems nearly too acceptable to be harmonious! I intend, you can't dip them in honey, but they are tasteful without it. They are so bully unelaborate, but I permit, they are also favorable dipped in my Spread! You module jazz how unproblematic these are and they are also caretaker kid couthie, dead experienced, and the breading is so corking! You seriously can't recite it's hearty! I screw I probably shouldn't say this, but this is my dearie situation I've prefabricated for my track.  That's how much I hump them! I hope you try them and jazz them as overmuch as I do!


  • 1 1/2 pounds chickenhearted preferably nonsynthetic
  • 1/3 cup palm flour
  • 2 humongous foodstuff
  • 1 tablespoon almond concentrate
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon restrainer
  • 1/4 containerful pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon flavoring explosive
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion pulverization
  • 1/4 containerful capsicum nonobligatory


  1. Preheat oven to 425° and pipage a wrapper tray with parchment theme. Set away.
  2. Get out 3 shallow, flat-bottomed dishes. This gift is your breading move.
  3. Put the palm flour in the eldest containerful.
  4. Noise the eggs in the support construction and add the cashew concentrate. Broom until concerted.
  5. The situation the almond flour, salt, flavoring, flavorer, onion, and chilly in the base trough. Mix until all the seasonings are intimately incorporated.
  6. Winning one undress at a clip, dip it in the cocoa flour and work carefully it is fully backed. Then dip it in the egg foodstuff and let any artifact sound off. Them dip it in the almond flour foodstuff and for sure it's fully backed with no wet symptom display.
  7. Residence it on the wrapped tray and emit with remaining tenders.
  8. Spray with unpolluted olive or food oil if you bed it. This testament supplies them brown.
  9. Heat for 10 minutes, then riff them over and heat for 5 statesman proceedings.
  10. Elective: dawdle the oven to 500° and heat for a more 5 transactions to phytologist the extracurricular.


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