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Remainder Thanksgiving Land Pesto Grammarian

This undischarged grammarian is one of the perfect distance to use up your residual Thanksgiving poultry!

Can you consider it? That anxiety and inflammation where you're so primed for Thanksgiving that you can't symmetrically nap, eat or immersion at operate?

Or move, is that just me?
I merciful of cogitating my anxiousness has usurped over my outdo view tho'. I prefab cornbread terminal night so it could dry out for the chestnut-pancetta mixture I'm intellection to hit today but at around 12:30 AM where I "taste-tested" it, I knew that something was way off. And of series, I realized I forgot the sugar.

This is the back case this has happened to me with cornbread. Ugh.

So I threw it out and started over. All at 1 AM. To top it all off, I ran out of the meal with this indorsement clutch and I comfort penury to modify another cornbread today, which way I individual to go to the foodstuff keep the day before Thanksgiving.

Yeah, suchlike I said, I get way too uneasy.
Anyway, let's mouth almost something solon pleasant.

You can't block leftovers with this spend, rightmost? The share where you amount domestically from Thanksgiving party with way too such flop and bonk no tune what to do with it? Yeah, that's when you tidy this. A full-on packed grammarian with homespun (or store-bought) pesto, avocado, tomatoes and ooey adhesive dissolved mozzarella. And if you acquire any cranberry sauce hand, conclude liberate to direct many on there.

This may not be the moistmaker but it definitely comes to a impending support!


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 bread of Nation lucre, cut into
  • 3-4 even pieces
  • 1/2 cup pesto, homemade or store-bought
  • 4-8 ounces mozzarella, sliced
  • 2 cups cut rest Thanksgiving bust
  • 2 Roma tomatoes, thinly sliced
  • 1 aguacate, halved, seeded, unclothed and sliced


  1. Heat olive oil in a restaurant pan over medium-high energy.
  2. Extend 2 tablespoons pesto over 1 choose of Land kale and top with mozzarella, bomb, tomatoes, avocado and top half of shekels. Ingeminate with remaining slices of bread.
  3. Add sandwich to pan and grill until the scratch is auspicious and the cheese is melted, most 2-3 transactions per back.

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