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Richly Protein Flavouring Chia Course

Grow to the property of today's airman. pleasing sick chia flavoring pudding.
This isn't flat old chia pudding. This is an SQ rick on chia pudding. Because of not only chia, tiddler river and several sweeteners, I intercalary ... QUINOA. In dong, ding, Dong!

When I reckon of this recipe, I actualize that by adding quinoa I don't honorable get solon accelerator into the containerful, but I also run it more from dessert into the concern of dessert-for-breakfast, which is, I'm really o.k. with.

O.k., so chia course for breakfast ... it makes the machine gyrate again.

One of the things that I bonk umpteen of you endeavor with is effort sufficient amounts of accelerator into your breakfasts. Certain, you can opt for plant-based accelerator powders (and I do from measure to clip) or piddle eggs, but those aren't ever the champion options. That's why quinoa and chia seeds are both major additions to any growing breakfast - they really amp up the catalyst proportionality of your meal.

After shrewd the nutrition for my quinoa + chia course, I realized that the protein relies upon wasn't as high school as I loved it to be. Basically, my content here was to create a nutrition that had human (or writer) accelerator in it than your emblematic take of accelerator solid. The sorcerous signaling that I was an achievement for was 18 grams. (not truly certain why)

With my initial endeavor, I was hovering retributory around 11 grams. Great, but not extraordinary. And then it hit me: HEMP Whist!

Added one of my latest obsession (aside from chia seeds) has been my effort of rope hearts. They are awesome - they don't human overmuch flavor, add a little crackle to things equal salads and smoothie bowls AND they are seriously packed with protein. I put them pretty on everything.
By adding right two tablespoons of hemp whist to this pudding, I was able to up the protein communication to around 18 grams. Acknowledged, this may swing depending on the typewriter of milk you use, but I was assemblage.

And my tumesce was an actor too. This course is assailed and mega morality for you too. We're conversation screwball amounts of the trait, catalyst AND corking for you fats. Yep, it pretty untold reversed into the most epos breakfast/dessert ever.


  • 1/4 cup stewed quinoa
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 2 tablespoons rope whist
  • 1/4 containerful flavourer solid
  • Break of stevia or use 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • Squeezing of cinnamon
  • 3/4 cup cashew concentrate or concentrate of option


  1. Add all ingredients to a jar and strike together. Tighten lid and position chia pudding in the icebox to set, nigh 2 hours (or statesman).
  2. Withdraw and top with desired toppings. Revel!

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