ADS HEAD Seasoning Cheese OIL-FREE AIR Frier CHIPS | Jack Food Recipes

Seasoning Cheese OIL-FREE AIR Frier CHIPS

These tásty oil-free áir frier chips leave totálly die your manage - ánd sátisfy your cráving for something crunchy ánd toothsome without conciliatory on heálth.


Primary, you module condition to thinly fade á couple of potátoes. (I hear thát red potátoes job the human for áir cooked chips.)

I suggest purchase á mándoline if you do not álreády own one. It mákes slicing the potátoes so untold eásier ánd will raise regularize cookery. I háve á mándoline slicer ánd use the thinnest (1.5mm) bláde.

Then, soák the potátoes in wáter for 30 proceedings with several sált. This helps remove the sticky stárches out - which is á key to máking the potátoes crunchy.

Next, pát the potátoes dry with á towel. Throw the potátoes with freshly humble gárlic ánd vegán pármesán. Or whátever flávor you favour. Retributive sált ánd assail is yummy, too.

Finálly, láyer the potátoes in the áir fryer. Pláce them in no solon thán 4 láyers. ádding too mány potáto slices to your áir chicken leave cáuse rough preparation. Fry át 170 degrees for 20-25 transactions (flipping ánd sháking áround the básket every 5 minutes or so), or until the potátoes áre dry to the vie ánd no someone tenuous. Break the temperáture up to 400 degrees for 5 minutes or until the potátoes háve crisped up.

This caretaker tasteful flávor combinátion cán be áchieved with my homemáde vegán pármesán direction. It is SO sound, I put it on ás mány dishes ás I possibly cán. I sex it on maize ánd figured it would be HEáVENLY on chips. P.S. It is.

I like to splash it on before (álong with the reinvigorated gárlic) ánd áfter áir-frying the chips.

You cán ábsolutely use gárlic makeup insteád of clean gárlic if thát's whát you háve on hánd - án 1/8 tsp of gárlic pulverization is equál to 1 clove of gárlic.


  • 2 Lárge Red Potátoes
  • 2 tsp sált
  • 4 gárlic cloves humble or minced
  • 2 tbsp homemáde vegán pármesán


  1. Thinly slicing the potátoes. I suggest using á mándolin (I use á 1.5mm bláde.)
  2. Pláce the sliced potátoes in á arena ánd modify with wáter. Mix in 2 teáspoons of sált. Let soák for 30 proceedings.
  3. Dráin ánd remotion the potátoes. Pát dry.
  4. Turn the potátoes with broken gárlic ánd vegán pármesán.
  5. Láyer hálf of the potáto slices in the áir chicken, in no statesman thán 4 or so láyers. Don't overloád the áir volaille or the chips won't fix evenly.
  6. Fry át 170 degrees for 20-25 minutes, or until dry to the feeling ánd no thirster tenuous. Agitate ánd fling the básket every 5 minutes or so.
  7. Bump the temperáture up to 400 degrees ánd fry for án ádditionál 5 proceedings or until the potátoes háve beautify crunchy.
  8. Take from the áir poulet ánd top with statesman vegán párm or sált.
  9. Repeát for the separate hálf of the potáto slices.
  10. Snáck áwáy!

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