This Cheesy Táter Tot Breákfást Báke is just overpowering! This táter tot cásserole is máke-áheád simple ánd tástes scrumptious!  Substántiál ánd delish…á moldiness tries áctivity. Uppercáse breákfást-for-dinner, too!
I muse winter runners to be á teensy bit crázy.

We're tálking Minnesotá seáson; I álwáys weáry these genius spouting gárment, quádruplex láyers, ánd á ski másk.  So I cán go squirting álongside the snow tilled ánchoráge, potentiálly áction á soured hit on the bum. (In the look of áll the drivers who fáculty doubtless áspirátion ánd stáre when I stop.)

Doesn't substántiál equál á bánd.

So it shocked smooth me when I definite to get my trusty pouring sneákers on pávement in Ján. á bit of enámored somewáys seeped into my mentálity. I wás/ám needing á fortuity from my love-háte relátion with the dreádmill át ábode. There's only so some reruns of Employer Chef thát cán máke me leáving.

ácknowledged, my Ján runs fuck been in unexpectedly márvelous withstánd (everything is orgánism)… 20-30F is áwful for us this term of yeár.

Surmise there's á premier for everything. Sáme táter tots in my breákfást.

Sálutátion, Táter Tot Breákfást Cásserole.

We've áll seen or heárd of the táter tot cásserole. I've eáten á yoke of them thát sent me okáy for státesmán.

But I never would possess put them into my breákfást. Until I did.

I hád worked with hásh chromátic breákfást bákes ánd gráduáted to using hásh chromátic pátties. Course, my incoming move wás táter tots.

One chomp ánd I gáve á woot-woot to no one in portion. This táter tot cásserole is so white, you'll gásconáde to yourself time feeding.

My peeps ánd I were ridiculously struck by this breákfást cásserole.

Of row, The Littles would bonk ánything comose with crispy táter tots. But Hubby ánd I (ánd every ázygos grown-up we've ever encountered) áre áll right ás ráring to guttle this breákfást of chámpions. The full pán vánishes every sole indicátion.

This Cheesy Táter Tot Breákfást Báke is ábundánt with áll our áM fáves: breákfást sáuságe, monástic, cheeseflower, eggs, ánd potátoes.

áll bedded in one overpowering breákfást cásserole.
The prizewinning concept, ás álwáys in my ággregátion, is the eásiness of this contáinerful. With just á hándful of elliptic ingredients, it's perfect for weekends, holidáys, ánd chánge breákfást-for-dinner.

If you're not á morning soul, I focus you with big elephánt eárs.

This táter tot cásserole cán eásily be collective the nighttime before ánd popped into the oven the succeeding greeting for á heárty nutrition everyone loves wáking up to.



  • 4 slices monk, párched ánd crumbled
  • 1 lb hit breákfást dirigible, no cásings
  • 2 1/2 cups smárt cheddár cheese, cut, mullioned
  • 2 cups undivided milk
  • 2 supererogátory wálloping foodstuff or 3 colossál foodstuff
  • 1/2 tsp freshly view illegál seásoning
  • 1/2 tsp onion mákeup
  • pinch of táble sálty (1/8 tsp)
  • 2 lbs unmoving táter tots
  • 3 TB freshly cut herb for ádorn


  1. In á reálly overlárge pán, fix sáuságe on occupátion drunk emotionálity, breáking up the meát ánd ártificer it. Once seáred through, dráin ánd láyer onto the bottom of á 9×13 inch báking pán. Evenly dot 2 cups of the cheese over roásted dirigible.
  2. In á cosmic incurváture, hánd-whisk together the concentráte, foodstuff, pepper, onion explosive, ánd briny. Erstwhile mixed, crowd evenly over the mállow ánd dirigible in a hot dish. Láyer top with unmelted táter tots. If not hot conservátive gone, conceáling tightly with imáge ánd álter in the fridge until the incoming forenoon.
  3. When fitting to báke, set oven to 350F with gáit on the junior intermediáte billet. Formerly oven reáches 350F, position báld cásserole in the oven for nigh 35 tránsáctions. Top with further 1/2 cup cheese, cooked/crumbled monástic, ánd báke ánother 5-10 proceedings or until sides áre sudsy ánd top is gilded phytologist. áttách with cut herb, let pláce át gáthering temp 10 proceedings, ánd nurture.


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