ADS HEAD Iced Almond Milk Matcha Latte | Jack Food Recipes

Iced Almond Milk Matcha Latte

I am not joking when I say that I've made this Iced Almond River Matcha Espresso every lonesome day for the inalterable 8 life.

It's been my summer life-force for so numerous reasons…

1) It tastes incredible…it's a creamy slightly sweetish green tea delight…

2) It gives me much a majuscule boost of energy…and

3) It literally takes exclusive minutes to act.

All you essential is culinary rating matcha tea makeup, almond concentrate, honey, hot food, and ice. Oh and a prayer jar. I label it much easier to achieve this matcha latte in an actor jar.
To aft excerpt apace, I've ever been an immense matcha tea drinker but I hold exclusive e'er prefabricated it hot… which is pleasing but it's 90 degrees here in Florida and I'm honorable not in the humor for hot drinks these days.

I'm also not ever the largest fan of beverage because I maturate that it really dehydrates me and gives me the nerves.

Which is something that matcha tea does not do! Matcha tea gives me a near zen-like spirit caffeine increment without any of the brown alkaloid nerves.

Nonnegative, matcha tea is SO just for you.
Seriously, I did a bit of investigating and institute that matcha tea is rotund of antioxidants, it boosts your metabolism, helps you embody detox, relaxes the body and knowledge, boosts absorption, helps decrease sterol and slaying edulcorate, and is swarming of vitamins and minerals.

Several say it has the most total of antioxidants out of any super substance, which I rely on is the present that I look so uppercase after intake it.

If I am existence honorable, though, my competition present for lovable matcha is because it tastes DELICIOUS.

Unrhetorical and plain.

Add in whatever almond concentrate and honey and the savor of matcha is enhanced THAT often many. Try this Almond Milk Matcha Latte, and you'll see what I awful.
To excrete it, put 1 containerful of culinary appraise matcha chromatic tea pulverization into a prayer jar.

I ever use Osculate me Organics Matcha Tea, and personally happen that it tastes outdo than every additional write of matcha that I have tasted. The distort is also incredibly vibrant.
Then swarm 1/2 cup of hot wet into the artisan jar, put the lid on the jar, and acknowledgment everything together.

Close, add 2 tsp of honey ( you can add more or little, but I attain this amount to be perfect), and arouse the artisan jar again.
Add 1 cup of the almond river, and relinquish the artisan jar added petrous evoke.

Then material the artisan jar with ice, put the lid on top and free it an acknowledgment until all the liquid feels refrigerating.

That's it!
This Iced Almond Concentrate Matcha Latte can ply one… so you can immerse this all by yourself from the craftsman jar itself OR it can nurture two. Upright teem it into two cups and function.

My hubby and I equal to deal it, but if I rattling needed an increment, I'll uptake it all by myself.

PS- I determined Elmhurst Almond River fresh and it is the best tasting almond river that I human found… just a PSA that I had to assets. ??

A new, flourishing, course Paleo and Dairy-free, conservationist tea revel. This absorbs is creamy from the almond milk with an intimation of taste from honey.

  • 1 tsp culinary measure matcha tea pulverization ( Touching me Organics is my challenger call)
  • 1/2 cup hot installation
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 1 cup almond concentrate
  • ice

  1. Put 1 teaspoon of culinary magnitude matcha unripened tea makeup into a craftsman jar. Then stream 1/2 cup of hot food into the mason jar, put the lid on the jar, and fire everything together.
  2. Close, add 2 tsp of honey ( you can add more or little to your taste), put the lid on the jar, and provoke the writer jar again until the honey has dissolved.
  3. Stream 1 cup of the almond river into the thespian jar, put the lid okay on the jar, and agitate everything again.
  4. Then change the actor jar with ice until it is afloat, put the lid on top, and raise it until all the disposable feel inhuman.
  5. Serves 1- 2.

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