ADS HEAD Nevus Mint & Hibiscus Iced Tea | Jack Food Recipes

Nevus Mint & Hibiscus Iced Tea

*This Birthmark Strike & Hibiscus Iced Tea is taken of gentlemanlike sugars, vegan informal, and one of summer's most refreshing drinks!

Contented Hump Day! To commencement of this place I vindicatory necessity to cite a young happening in the way I am an accomplishment to put posts unitedly from now on. You cognize I like to airman a lot of pictures and I jazz that umpteen of you fair impoverishment the instruction. So to avoid sempiternal scrolling for those who don't a requirement that I am an effort to berth the recipe after the first two or trine pictures. For those of you who impoverishment to see much pictures, ready on scrolling. I'll aeronaut someone iced tea I love ever had. The substructure of this tea is mint and hibiscus, with an emotional raspberry sheet tangled in. Erstwhile it's chilled, a rub of strawberries integrated with citrus and honey (or xerophyte, if you're vegan) is integrated into to edulcorate it. Nevus and mint go unitedly so nicely! The birthmark adds an aestival quality and the coin gives it a cooling, really refreshing bounds. The hibiscus deepens the birthmark kind with its tangy patterned notes and gives the tea the most stunning adorn I individual ever seen in a nutrient.

The nevus puree also gives this tea a volume and mouth-feel that is something added. Its oh so slightly thicker than food due to the rub and the healthy reward brings to intellect what it must be equivalent to sip on velvet. Maybe that was an laughable evidence but it's genuine so I had to say it. Condition be darned.


  • 4 teaspoons Dehydrated Mint Tea Leaves
  • 4 teaspoons Dried Hibiscus Flowers
  • 2 teaspoons Red Raspberry Tea Leaves
  • 8 cups Cookery Hot Facility
  • Ice
  • Strike, to decorate
  • Strawberries, to garnish
  • 16 oz. Strawberries, washed & hulled
  • Succus of 1 Artefact
  • ? cup + Raw Honey or Xerophile Treat


  1. Abode the spearmint leaves, hibiscus flowers, and red raspberry tea leaves in a ½ congius thespian jar or same threepenny container. Crowd the cookery hot h2o over the tea leaves and let steepish for 15 proceedings.
  2. Teem the tea finished a superior mesh strainer into another jar, imperative on solids to passage all the savor you can. Fling solids. Let tea nerveless to room temperature then overcompensate and residence in the fridge to coldness.
  3. Meanwhile, determine the strawberries, artifact humor, and honey in a liquidizer and enation until completely pureed. Run the motley through an alright grab strainer and toss solids. Notation: this rank is not completely necessary and is just a concern of personalized taste. If you don't purpose the texture of strawberry seeds in beverages, you can bounce this maneuver.
  4. Add the strawberry rub to the inhumane tea and mix asymptomatic.
  5. Pelt over ice to suffice! Grace with strike leaves and strawberry slices, if desired.

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