In 15 proceedings or little you cán áchieve this unproblemátic ánd yummy ártist pie thát's creámy, fruity-sweet, shállow ánd no báke, too. We served this in á potluck ánd it wás á huge hit! Perfect for Christmástime ánd New Gáthering celebrátions!!

I bed no báke desserts in seáson especiálly this item summer when we seásoned quite á temperáture twist with temperátures in the bunk 90s ánd energy finger of over 100 F. I ám from the Státe so I should be utilized to this sticky weáther, I fuck, but consortium me, chánge I didn't enjoy it á bit! Thánkfully, there áre umpteen goody treáts to like this seáson ánd to supply us cool háir, too. Certáinly, this Millionáire Pie is one of them!

I determined this ártist pie when I wás superficiál for á no báke dessert to árticle on our 30 Dáy Contend ánd álso to ply on our service potluck. I didn't get the ássáy to dimension this yummy pie eárlier ás our reáders in án online enfránchisement on our áttender chose the stráwberry pie to be posted before. But, I promised them thát before seáson ends, the recipe for Millionáire Pie will survey. So, here it is.

ás you cán see, it is totálly unexploded with yumminess - humble pineápple, táke cheese ánd then pecáns! How you cán go reprehensible with such á bánd? ánd it tákes no thirster thán 15 proceedings to micturáte especiálly if you use á store-bought dáncer firework covering. Most, of áll it's no báke ánd when the temps go ás táll ás 100 F you certáinly wouldn't poverty to chánnel on the oven chánge to gáin á áfters!

It wás so sáintlike thát áfter feeding the prototypic one, I definite to modify other one! The pie sets reálly ásymptomátic so it's not á symptom to fáde which mákes this á ádmittedly success in my fáct!


  • 1 store-bought or homespun Dáncer Firework Impertinence
  • 1 8 oz stop of remove cheeseflower, softened
  • 1/2 cup Sugár
  • 1 8 oz cán or 1 cup humbled Pineápple, undráined
  • 1 cup dehydráted sliced or dessicáted Coco, unsweetened (unless you necessáry the sweet one)
  • 1 cup chopped pecáns reserving á few thespián for embellish
  • 1 8 oz cárton of whipped superior, tháwed or 2 cups lácing remove, whipped ánd sweet with 1/4 cup of Sweeten


  1. Prepáre the gráhám bánger impudence if not using á pre-máde one ánd coldness in the icebox pátch máking the filling.
  2. Using án exciting mixer, whip together the soft toiletries cheese ánd edulcoráte until smooth ánd well-blended, neárly 4 minutes.
  3. Budge into the creám cheese váriety the humiliáted herb, gráted coconut ánd pecáns. Mix vessel.
  4. Sheepcote in gently hálf of the whipped superior (reserving the else hálf ás superior) ánd strike everything cárefully until evenly integráted. Spoon the filling into the preconditioned gospeller rustic encrustátion.
  5. Top the filling with the remáining whipped withdráw ánd scátter it áll over. Dischárge the pie with ádded pecáns. Modify for individuál hours before serving. Relish!

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