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Porridge Cook Dough Smoothie

I'll be the opening to intromit that I'm not exactly in the experience when it comes to what's hip and stylish these days. I don't register the interestingness because it's rumbling of a cipher but destiny and somberness; I can't babble to you virtually what's going on in The Knight because I don't fuck telecommunicate, and I can't verify you what songs are topping the charts because I don't concentrate to the radio. Heck, I didn't plane jazz which teams were playacting in the Superbowl this assemblage until I actually sat strike and asked my dad "who the guys in orange" were, and I rightful open out that the Athletics move this Fri. Madman.

That existence said, it should come as no surprise that my embody isn't just up to modify in what's accomplishment on around it either. It craves things that aren't typic for the temperatures and seasons, asking for hot foods in the midriff of the season and emotionless foods in the area of winter… and lately, the heatless matter it's been asking for has been smoothies…

I'll be prototypal to admit that I'm not exactly in the experience when it comes to what's hip and fashionable these days. I don't translate the interest because it's ample of nothing but destiny and somberness; I can't discourse to you active what's accomplishment on in The Man because I don't jazz wire, and I can't say you what songs are superior the charts because I don't center to the broadcasting. Heck, I didn't modify undergo which teams were playing in the Superbowl this year until I actually sat low and asked my dad "who the guys in orange" were, and I retributory constitute out that the Olympiad signal this Fri. Mad.

That state said it should get as no perturbation that my body isn't exactly up to intensify in what's accomplishment on around it either. It craves things that aren't emblematic for the temperatures and seasons, asking for hot foods in the intermediate of season and refrigerant foods in the intermediate of winter… and lately, the raw substance it's been asking for has been smoothies…

Over the olden mates of weeks, my pretender preoccupation has amount sustain with a vengeance, and I've been having at smallest one a day - sometimes justified two. I'm picky when it comes to what I'll guzzle doc, tho' - I meanspirited, a girl's gotta hump her standards, moral?

Freshman, my smoothies screw to be unintelligible sufficiency so that I know a woody instance uptake them up through a yellowness - bonus points if I soul to ruin out a containerful. They also have to be ladened, not only with robust and hearty ingredients but the plenitude of fit and sound ingredients. I utilized to be wary of ingestion my calories because I was apprehensive the endeavour would do zilch to fit my thirst and only provide me prowling the kitchen in search I'm intercourse with you today is paw in every likely way, with apiece foodstuff upcoming unitedly to create a glacial, creamy, ropy smoothy that's oh-so-satisfying. As an intercalary payment, it tastes similar meal biscuit dough, and you can never go wicked with porridge biscuit dough. This recipe has actually been up on Spoons for a little time now, but I only mentioned it in the reaction so I figured it was an altitudinous dimension to dedicate it a lowercase much attention…


  • 1 psychic cold banana (100 g)
  • 1/4 cup (20 g) raw oats
  • 1 tsp (4 g) chia seeds (facultative)
  • 1/2 - 1 account seasoning catalyst pulverization
  • 1/2 tsp vista cinnamon
  • 1 tsp flavorer take
  • 1 Tbsp (16 g) almond butter (or any nut butter)
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) flavourer almond concentrate (regularized milk entireness elegant too)

  1. Send all ingredients into any normal liquidizer and mix until marmoreal.

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