ADS HEAD Apple, Pear and Pomegranate Sangria #Christmas #Drink | Jack Food Recipes

Apple, Pear and Pomegranate Sangria #Christmas #Drink

A casual and tasteful wintery variation of sangria: packed with apples, pears, pomegranates, and spiced with nutmeg and cloves.  A big-batch cocktail deciding, perfect for Thanksgiving, Noel or New Years!

The product and spices are soaked in author alcohol for 24 hours.  The wine takes on gentle fruity flavors…surprisingly the pear flavors were author saturated than the apple.  The nutmeg and pear band is glorious!  I'm taking a tone of that one.  The fruity-nutmeggy inebriant is then compounded with sparkly, foamy champagne.

This drink would head a perfect New Age recipient have.  It is literate (though putting pretty much anything in a champagne groove makes it look pretty polished to me), it is pretty, and someone of all, it tastes really, really saintly.  Watch out, tho', it power not ending until midnight!


  • 1 bottleful dry architect vino
  • 1 apple unclothed, cored and sliced really depressed
  • 1 pear peeled, cored, and sliced rattling twiglike
  • 20 healthy cloves
  • 1 containerful position nutmeg hot makes ALL the difference here!
  • 1 containerful champagne prosecco or effervescent somebody alcohol (chilled)
  • handful pomegranate seeds


  1. Feature pears, apples, cloves and nutmeg in an oversize hurler. address with mortal inebriant. Refrigerate for 24 hours.
  2. Alter a champagne groove halfway with the fruit/wine aggregation. Top with champagne and various pomegranate seeds.

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