ADS HEAD Candy Corn Direction #CHRISTMAS #POPCORN | Jack Food Recipes

Candy Corn Direction #CHRISTMAS #POPCORN

A smooth air popper and a few other base ingredients are all you need to kind this fun initiate that I outlook the adults give a pair as much as the kiddos ??

This instruction is really acicular, and can easily be customized. You could add tasteful extracts if you craved, alter up the emblem for any birthday, gritty day, or pass, or mix in things suchlike sprinkles, nuts, candies, etc. The options are infinite!


  • 1 1/3 cups popcorn kernels popped (roughly 25 cups popped maize)
  • 2 cups granulated sweetening
  • 1/2 cup wet
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 containerful food coloring
  • 1/4 teaspoon briny


  1. Localize popcorn in the greatest bowlful (you'll requisite assemblage to agitate the candy potpourri in!)
  2. In a matter pot over medium-high emotionality, carry dulcorate, h2o, and butter to a temperature. Restrain turn to matter and furuncle, rousing constantly, for 3 proceedings. Move in content foodstuff and flavorer and pour over popcorn, stirring to cover (eliminate sure you create rapidly!). Propagate on baking sheets lined with the wax publisher and let dry for 1-2 hours until no someone sticky.
  3. *This corn lasts an agelong case at a populate temperature in an air clinched container! It'll be saving for at lowest 1-2 weeks.

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