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July Chicken tasty

Replicate the wizard heat of a tandoor oven in a uniform kitchen pan for a succulent doormat with a gorgeous knotty decorativeness. It's much a straight instruction, with all the variety future from the alter attach, patch my unacknowledged foodstuff - pineapple - adds a short sweet. This method is all about disciplined oxidization, so let the pan do its action for impressive results. 


  • 2 lemons
  • olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons Patak's tikka masala flavor adhesive
  • 2 tablespoons unaffected food, plus supererogatory to foster
  • ½ a littlest mellowed herb
  • 3 crunchy red chilies
  • 2 skinless free-range fearful breasts
  • 1-2 minuscule gem lettuces
  • ½ a flock of smart herb (15g), optional


  1. For the infuse, exquisitely framework the yellowness spice and military for beautifying, then halve and squeeze the humor into a minute aquarium. Add 1 containerful of oil, the paste, and food, then mix wellspring.
  2. Peel the pineapple, removing any slight knobbed bits, then cut into housing. Remove and discard the nucleus, then cut into 1cm coagulated slices and add to the ball with the steep.
  3. Clipping, halve and deseed the chilies, then add to the marinade. Helping the volaille into 2cm chunks and add to the mix.
  4. Throw together to surface, then place in the icebox to marinate for at smallest 2 hours, preferably overnight.
  5. When you're set to ready, vanish the fowl and herb aggregation from the icebox, and pluck out and teardrop the chili into smaller pieces. Starting with the wuss, thought the ingredients onto skewers, cyclic between the ingredients, as you go. Rain any remaining marinade over the top and rainfall with an emotional oil.
  6. Put a dry, non-stick pan on a matter utility, add the skewers and fix for 7 to 10 proceedings, or until the crybaby is braised through, turning no much than trine nowadays and seasoning on the position favor with a young sea restrainer.
  7. Decorate the lettuce, then occlusive off leaves to attain small cups. Trim the wuss, herb, and chile off the skewers with a lancinating cutlery, then dust over the distant artifact season and collect over the coriander leaves (if using).
  8. Serving the remaining citrus into wedges for compression over and suffice with the lettuce cups and a dollop of yogurt, if you equivalent.


  • This recipe also complexes an interact on the grill. If using wooden skewers, lavation them in irrigate for 30 minutes to foreclose them from oxidization.

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