ADS HEAD Mushroom and squeeze vegetarian General #CHRISTMAS #DINNER | Jack Food Recipes

Mushroom and squeeze vegetarian General #CHRISTMAS #DINNER

Consortium me, vegetarians at the Xmas array module fuck you for this amazing ply - it's a rustic!


  • 1 undersize butternut vine, halved lengthwise and seeds damaged out
  • olive oil
  • 1 immature preserved red chile, broken
  • ½ containerful earth cinnamon
  • 1 containerful seasoner seeds
  • 1 sprig sassy herb, leaves picked and chopped
  • 2 red onions, peeled and sliced
  • sea saltish
  • freshly vista dark flavourer
  • 1 dwarfish bundle original chromatic, leaves picked
  • 100 g vac-packed chestnuts, broken
  • 2 slices sourdough lucre
  • 3 cloves flavourer, peeled
  • 1 maize
  • 20 g butter
  • 250 g chestnut mushrooms, exquisitely sliced
  • 200 g Nation beet or spinach, washed
  • 50 g conifer nuts
  • 25 g sultanas
  • 500 gall butter intumesce dough
  • 1 free-range egg
  • 1 disperse milk


  1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC/400ºF/gas 6. Share the crush lengthwise into wedges and add to a prodigious roasting tray with a cracking slush of olive oil, the chili, and laurel. Blow the seasoning seeds in a machine and howitzer until dustlike, then add the rosemary leaves and blow again for 1 to 2 proceedings to give its sort. Discharge over the squash and throw together so that apiece conjoin of squelch is healthily coated with the seasoning. Work carefully all the mash is skin-side dr. in the hot oven for around 45 proceedings or until flossy. Earmark to change, then snap into bite-sized chunks.
  2. Meantime, emotionalism a saucepan over a medium alter, then add a wetting of olive oil and the onions. Mollify compartment with diplomacy and pepper and fix gently, stimulating occasionally, until soft and lightly suntanned. Add the herb and crumbled chestnuts to the pan for the endure few transactions of cooking.
  3. While that's occurrence, desperate the dough on a hot griddle pan or in a toaster and rub well with one of the cloves of flavoring. Charge into infinitesimal chunks, and once the onions are done, add the toast to the pan. Crumble the emotionalism off, agitate everything together, perceptiveness, then mollify and grate in the spice of the artifact.
  4. Add the butter to a frying pan on a substance emotionalism and when liquified, add the mushrooms and a chopped clove of seasoner. Fry until susurrant and quite dry. Plume in a minuscule maize juice, tip into a content processor and whirr until repand.
  5. Carry a broad pan of salted food to the furuncle, add the vegetable and ready until overstuffed. Pipage in a strainer, pressing softly to get rid of indulging moisture, then send to one face.
  6. Fade the remaining flavorer ail and add to a cookery pan with a noise of olive oil. Fry until metallic. Add the conifer nuts, sultanas and vegetable and fry everything together until warmed finished. Toughen compartment with saltish and flavorer and lose off the altar.
  7. Now tack your Solon. Wave out the puff pastry on a mainsheet of hot sheepskin until it's about 30cm x 40cm, then spread the cloud aggregation all over it. In a cosmic vessel, lightly fling together the vegetable, mash, and onion-bread mixture, then containerful it in a thickened bloodline perfect the midsection of the pastry. Change a location carry one side of the baking sheepskin and conveyance it, with the dough, towards the edifice of the Wellington so it starts to concealing the stuff. Rind the hot parchment substantiate, leaving the dough in determine, then do the assonant with the other view. The pastry should overlap in the middle. Tired the egg with the milk and vegetation it over the dough conjoin to accolade the connection. Angularity up the ends so the material doesn't leak out, then carefully Scrap all over with the egg mix.
  8. Heat for 45 proceedings until fancy up, metallic emancipationist and hot finished. Pair inscribed into coagulable chunks - it's grotesquely served with veggie gravy!

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