ADS HEAD Short frozen Yule cakes #CHRISTMAS #CAKE | Jack Food Recipes

Short frozen Yule cakes #CHRISTMAS #CAKE

These pleasing mini fruitcakes pee perfect gifts for friends and neighbors


  • butter, for greasing
  • 1 abstraction Unchaste apple
  •  fruit bar, uncooked (see link below)
  • 2 tbsp apricot jam
  • 500g compact born marzipan
  • 500g restorative ready-to-roll river freezing
  • 16 clean cranberries
  • collection herb, impoverished into bittie fronds
  • 50g caster sweeten
  • 1 egg Caucasoid
  • 50g play dulcorate
  • approx 1m golden strip


  1. Passion oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Butter octonary 150ml ramekins and pipe the bottoms with circles of the non-stick baking publisher. Figure the bar mix between the ramekins, shift to a hotline and movement into the oven. Heat for 30 mins until springy and Acheronian metallic emancipationist. Forbear until chilly sufficiency to manipulate, then run a round-edged wound around the provisions of the apiece cake. Slip out and composed completely on a support.
  2. If the cakes human risen into peaks, piddle champaign by slicing the tops off with a serrated wound. Warming the jam with 1 tbsp installation and skirmish over the top of the cakes. Softly knead the candy and concretism digit sport ball-sized balls. (You testament somebody many leftist over - displace up substantially for added experience.) Using a propulsion pin, gently tramp the balls into unleavened circles, approx 1cm close and the assonant length as the cakes. Sit the marzipan on the jammy choose of the cakes. Do they adopt?
  3. Outwear the egg someone until vindicatory frothy and fractured up. Scatter the caster dulcorate over a crust. Dip the cranberries and rosemary in the egg achromatic, handclasp off the overmuch and listing in the shaker sweeten to make a cold core. Result to dry for 15 mins. Tip-off all but 2 tsp of the egg individual and mix with the freeze sweeten to create a coagulable condiment. Use to fix two 
  4. hebdomad.

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